100 Days of Grace & Gratitude: A Devotional Journal

100 Days of Grace & Gratitude: A Devotional Journal

Ubah kalimat ini kedalaman kalimat present continius tense! Minta bantuannya sebelum jam 10.
(+) The train leaves at 6.00 a.m. [Kereta berangkat pukul 6 pagi.]
(-) The train does not leave at 6.00 a.m. [Kereta tidak berangkat pukul 6 pagi.]
(?) Does the train leave at 6.00 a.m? [Apakah kereta berangkat pukul 6 pagi?]

Catatan: does not bisa disingkat menjadi doesn’t.

Contoh 2

(+) I write a letter for my teacher. [Saya menulis surat untuk guru saya.]
(-) I don’t write a letter for my teacher. [Saya tidak menulis surat untuk guru saya.]
(?) Do I write a letter for my teacher? [Apakah saya menulis surat untuk guru saya?]

Contoh 3

(+) We have a meeting now. [Kita ada rapat sekarang.]
(-) We don’t have a meeting now. [Kita tidak ada rapat sekarang.]
(+) Do we have a meeting now? [Apakah kita ada meeting sekarang?]

Contoh 4

(+) Mary needs a dictionary. [Mary membutuhkan kamus.]
(-) Mary doesn’t need a dictionary. [Mary tidak membutuhkan kamus.](?) Does Mary need a dictionary? [Apakah Mary membutuhkan kamus?]

Contoh 5

(+) They want to go to the party. [Mereka ingin pergi ke pesta.]
(-) They don’t want to go to the party. [Mereka tidak ingin pergi ke pesta.]
(?) Do they want to go to the party? [Apakah mereka ingin pergi ke pesta?]

Contoh 6

(+) He likes pizza. [Dia suka pizza.]
(-) He doesn’t like pizza. [Dia tidak suka pizza.]
(?) Does he like pizza? [Apakah dia suka pizza?]

Contoh 7

(+) It moves. [Itu bergerak.]
(-) It doesn’t move. [Itu tidak bergerak.]
(?) Does it move? [Apakah itu bergerak?]

Contoh 8

(+) You speak Arabic. [Anda berbicara bahasa Arab.]
(-) You don’t speak Arabic. [Anda tidak berbicara bahasa Arab]
(?) Do you speak Arabic? [Apakah Anda berbicara bahasa Arab?]

Catatan: contoh jawaban untuk kalimat tanya Yes, I do atau No, I don’t.

Contoh 9

(+) We have time for a rest. [Kami punya waktu untuk istirahat.]
(-) We don’t have time for a rest. [Kami tidak punya waktu untuk istirahat.]
(?) Do we have time for a rest? [ Apakah kami punya waktu untuk istirahat?]

Contoh 10

(+) Joko plays chess in the evenings. [Joko bermain catur di malam hari.]
(-) Joko doesn’t play chess in the evenings. [Joko tidak bermain catur di malam hari.]
(?) Does Joko play chess in the evenings? [Apakah Joko bermain catur di malam hari?

Ubah kalimat ini kedalaman kalimat present continius tense! Minta bantuannya sebelum jam 10.
(+) The train leaves at 6.00 a.m. [Kereta berangkat pukul 6 pagi.]
(-) The train does not leave at 6.00 a.m. [Kereta tidak berangkat pukul 6 pagi.]
(?) Does the train leave at 6.00 a.m? [Apakah kereta berangkat pukul 6 pagi?]

Catatan: does not bisa disingkat menjadi doesn’t.

Contoh 2

(+) I write a letter for my teacher. [Saya menulis surat untuk guru saya.]
(-) I don’t write a letter for my teacher. [Saya tidak menulis surat untuk guru saya.]
(?) Do I write a letter for my teacher? [Apakah saya menulis surat untuk guru saya?]

Contoh 3

(+) We have a meeting now. [Kita ada rapat sekarang.]
(-) We don’t have a meeting now. [Kita tidak ada rapat sekarang.]
(+) Do we have a meeting now? [Apakah kita ada meeting sekarang?]

Contoh 4

(+) Mary needs a dictionary. [Mary membutuhkan kamus.]
(-) Mary doesn’t need a dictionary. [Mary tidak membutuhkan kamus.](?) Does Mary need a dictionary? [Apakah Mary membutuhkan kamus?]

Contoh 5

(+) They want to go to the party. [Mereka ingin pergi ke pesta.]
(-) They don’t want to go to the party. [Mereka tidak ingin pergi ke pesta.]
(?) Do they want to go to the party? [Apakah mereka ingin pergi ke pesta?]

Contoh 6

(+) He likes pizza. [Dia suka pizza.]
(-) He doesn’t like pizza. [Dia tidak suka pizza.]
(?) Does he like pizza? [Apakah dia suka pizza?]

Contoh 7

(+) It moves. [Itu bergerak.]
(-) It doesn’t move. [Itu tidak bergerak.]
(?) Does it move? [Apakah itu bergerak?]

Contoh 8

(+) You speak Arabic. [Anda berbicara bahasa Arab.]
(-) You don’t speak Arabic. [Anda tidak berbicara bahasa Arab]
(?) Do you speak Arabic? [Apakah Anda berbicara bahasa Arab?]

Catatan: contoh jawaban untuk kalimat tanya Yes, I do atau No, I don’t.

Contoh 9

(+) We have time for a rest. [Kami punya waktu untuk istirahat.]
(-) We don’t have time for a rest. [Kami tidak punya waktu untuk istirahat.]
(?) Do we have time for a rest? [ Apakah kami punya waktu untuk istirahat?]

Contoh 10

(+) Joko plays chess in the evenings. [Joko bermain catur di malam hari.]
(-) Joko doesn’t play chess in the evenings. [Joko tidak bermain catur di malam hari.]
(?) Does Joko play chess in the evenings? [Apakah Joko bermain catur di malam hari?


1. (+) the train is leaving at 6.00 a.m.

(-) the train isn't leaving at 6.00 a.m.

(?) is the train leaving at 6.00 a.m.?

2. (+) I am writting a letter for my teacher.

(-) I am not writting a letter for my teacher.

(?) am I writting a letter for my teacher?

3. (+) we're having a meeting now

(-) we aren't having a meeting now

(?) are we having a meeting now?

4. (+) Mary is needing a dictionary

(-) Mary isn't needing a dictionary

(?) is mary needing a dictionary?

5. (+) they are wanting to go to the party

(-) they aren't wanting to go to the party

(?) are they wanting to go to the party?

6. (+) He is liking pizza

(-) He isn't liking pizza

(?) is he liking pizza?

7. (+) it is moving

(-) it isn't moving

(?) is it moving?

8.(+) you are speaking Arabic

(-) you aren't speaking arabic

(?) are you speaking arabic?

9. (+) we are having time for a rest

(-) we aren't having time for a rest

(?) are we having time for a rest?

10. (+) Joko is playing chess in the evenings

(-) joko isn't playing chess in the evenings

(?) is joko playing chess in the evenings?